Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

Harden network with sysctl settings

Harden network with sysctl settings

nah beberapa waktu lalu saat browsing saya sempat menemukan bacaan menarik tentang sysctl. cukup lah buat pertahanan sementara. kita coba saja ya .

1. buka terminal linux kemudian copy sysctl asli *(buat jaga-jaga
cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf-old

2. buka file sysctl.conf dengan editor kesukaan anda . disini kita mencoba menggunakan gedit
gedit /etc/sysctl.conf 
hapus semua tulisan didalamnya dan kemudian pastekan baris berikut
# IP Spoofing protection
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1

# Ignore ICMP broadcast requests
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1

# Disable source packet routing
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0

# Ignore send redirects
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 0

# Block SYN attacks
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 2048
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 5

# Log Martians
net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses = 1

# Ignore ICMP redirects
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_redirects = 0

# Ignore Directed pings
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1
3. ketikkan sysctl -p di terminal untuk mengaktifkannya :)

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Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

menjalankan avant-setting sebagai root

wah wah udah lama gk buat tutor ne. berhubung lagi sibuk didunia nyata, eh ini blog kagak keurus gini ya :'( #curhat mode on
oke dech langsung aja, kejadian ini bermula pada xubuntu 12.04 distro y notabene mw ane remaster ane bosan sama panel xfce nya alhasil ane cobain dah install avant-windows-navigator

perintahnya sich biasa aja apt-get install avant-window-navigator awn-applets-all -y
udah kelar dah. langsung aja ane jalanin awn, Alhamdulillah berhasil :D
nah langsung dah ane buka setingannya, mw tambah jalan pintas eh eh rupanya gk kebuka setingannya :(. cukup setengah hari dah alhasil ane bertapa di google bertemulah dengan solusi mini tapi cukup efektif.. berikut langkahnya :
1. buka editor favorit ente disini ane coba pake nano
nano /usr/bin/awn-settings

2. temukan baris if os.geteuid() == 0:nah tugas kita cuku merubah 0 menjadi 1
if os.geteuid() == 1:

kemudian coba buka avant-setting ,, ta-da...

buktikan sendiri aja ya. ini ss ane

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Minggu, 17 November 2013

19 Extensions to Turn Google Chrome into Penetration Testing tool

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser of the world. It’s light weight and comes with a clean interface. This is the main reason of its popularity. It also has various other features that make website browsing easy and faster. Like Firefox, Chrome also supports add-ons but called extensions for Chrome. Extensions help us in improving the functionality of Google Chrome. There are thousands of Google Chrome extensions available that add nice tools directly in the browser and reduce the need of installing separate tools for those works. In previous posts, we have covered the Firefox add-ons that make Firefox a security testing tool. Like Firefox, we can also make Google Chrome a security tool with the use of some nice security extensions.

In this post, I have collected all those extensions that help us in the penetration testing process. All these extensions are available for free to download from Google Chrome’s Web store. Few extensions are not available unofficially. So, you need to download from their official website.

Note: Description of tools taken from Official Release Note:

Google Chrome Extensions for Security researchers and penetration testers

  1. Web Developer,
    is a Google Chrome extension that adds a tool bar with various web development tools in Chrome. With these tools, users can perform various web development tasks. This extension helps analyzing web application elements like HTML and JS.
    Add Web Developer Extension in Chrome here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-developer/bfbameneiokkgbdmiekhjnmfkcnldhhm
  2. Firebug Lite for Google Chrome, provides a rich visual environment to analyze HTML elements, DOM elements and other Box Model Shading. It also provides live CSS editing. It helps in analyzing how an application is working on the client’s side.

    Add Firebug Lite to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/firebug-lite-for-google-c/bmagokdooijbeehmkpknfglimnifench
  3. d3coder, is another nice Google Chrome extension that helps penetration testers. It enables us to encode and decode selected text via context menu. Thus it reduces the time to encode and decode strings by using separate tools. This extension can perform a wide range of functions. See the list below:
    • Timestamp decoding
    • rot13 en-/decoding
    • base64 encoding
    • base64 decoding
    • CRC32 hashing
    • MD5 hashing
    • SHA1 hashing
    • bin2hex
    • bin2txt
    • HTML entity encoding
    • HTML entity decoding
    • HTML special chars encoding
    • HTML special chars decoding
    • URI encoding
    • URI decoding
    • Quoted printable decoding
    • Quoted printable encoding
    • Escapeshellarg
    • Base64 decode
    • Base64 encode
    • Unserialize
    • L33T-en/decode
    • Reverse
    Add d3coder extension to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/d3coder/gncnbkghencmkfgeepfaonmegemakcol?hl=en-US
  4. Site Spider, is an extension that adds a crawler in Chrome. It crawls all pages and reports all broken links. One can also restrict the spider by adding restrictions and regular expressions, it works at the client’s side. It can also use your authentication to access all pages. This extension is opensource. So, you can easily modify it according to your needs.
    Add Site Spider to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/site-spider/ddlodfbcplakmddhdlffebcggbbighda
  5. Form Fuzzer, is used to populate predefined characters into different form fields. It can also select checkboxes, radio buttons and select items in forms. It has a configuration menu where you can manage all settings of the extension. It is really helpful in testing forms. You can set payloads for forms and then populate payloads quickly with this nice tool. Really helpful in performing XSS and SQL injection attacks.
    Add Form Fuzzer to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/form-fuzzer/cbpplldpcdcfejdaldmnfhlodoadjhii
  6. Session Manager, is a powerful Chrome extension that lets users save, update, restore, and remove sets of tabs. You can create a group of tabs of the same interest and then restore those pages in one click. If you open few specific pages daily, and create groups of those pages and then open with a single click.
    Add Session Manager to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/session-manager/mghenlmbmjcpehccoangkdpagbcbkdpc
  7. Request Maker, is a core penetration testing tool. It’s used in creating and capturing requests, tampering the URL, and making new headers with post data. It can capture requests made via forms or XMLHttpRequests. You can see the function of this tool is similar to Burp. It’s also helpful in performing various kind of attacks in a web applications by modifying http requests.
    Add Request Maker to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/request-maker/kajfghlhfkcocafkcjlajldicbikpgnp
  8. Proxy SwitchySharp, is a proxy extension that helps in managing and switching between multiple proxies quickly. It also has an option to set auto proxy switching based on URL. You can also import or export data easily. With proxy switcher, we can hide IP addresses and perform penetration testing tasks to check how a person can attack with proxy servers.
    Add Proxy SwitchySharp to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/proxy-switchysharp/dpplabbmogkhghncfbfdeeokoefdjegm/details
  9. Cookie Editor, is a nice Chrome extension that lets users edit cookies. This tool is really helpful while hijacking vulnerable test sessions. It lets users delete, edit, add/or search cookies. It also lets users protect, block or export cookies in json. You can play with cookies as you want. This extension is ad-supported and all revenue goes to Unicef to help children worldwide. But Ads are not necessary and you can disable anytime from the extension settings page.
    Add Edit This Cookie to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/edit-this-cookie/fngmhnnpilhplaeedifhccceomclgfbg
  10. Cache Killer, is another nice extension that automatically cleans the browser cache before loading pages. It can be easily enabled or disabled with a single mouse click. It’s useful to bypass the browser cache and see the exact website in case it’s changing. This is much useful for web developers.
    Add Cache Killer Extension to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cache-killer/jpfbieopdmepaolggioebjmedmclkbap
  11. XSS Rays, is a nice extension that helps in finding XSS vulnerability in a website. It finds how a website is filtering the code. It also checks for injections and inspects objects. You can also easily extract, view and edit forms non-destructively even if forms cannot be edited. So many penetration testers use this extension as a dedicated XSS testing tool. It’s pure JavaScript XSS scanner. You can read more about XSS Rays here.
    Add XSS rays to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xss-rays/kkopfbcgaebdaklghbnfmjeeonmabidj
  12. WebSecurify, is a powerful cross platform web security testing tool. It’s available for various desktop, mobile platforms and browsers. This is the first web security tool that runs directly from the browser. It’s capable of finding XSS, XSRF, CSRF, SQL Injection, File upload, URL redirection and various other security vulnerabilities. It has a built in crawler that scans and crawls pages. Then it will try to find vulnerability on pages. It’s not a fully automatic tool. It lists possible vulnerability on the URL. You will need to confirm the vulnerability manually. We have already covered the websecurify tool in detail. You can check older posts to read more on how this tool works and how to master websecurify for penetration testing. While scanning, it pulls all features from the WebSecurify server, so you do not need to worry about database updates. The vulnerability engine will be updated at all times. Penetration testing tools are just a click away. Use this either as a browser tool or desktop tool.
    Add Websecurify to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/websecurify/gbecpbaknodhccppnfndfmjifmonefdm
  13. Port Scanner, Google Chrome extension adds port scanning capabilities to the browser. With this extension, you will be able to scan which TCP ports are listening. Port Scanner analyzes any given IP or URL addresses, and then will scan for open ports to help you to secure them. It is also available for Opera and Mozilla Firefox.
    Add Port Scanner to Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/port-scanner/jicgaglejpnmiodpgjidiofpjmfmlgjo
  14. XSS chef, is the popular Chrome extension that works directly in the browser. It helps us in identifying XSS vulnerability in a web application. It’s similar to BeEF but for browsers. It performs following tasks:

    • Monitor open tabs of victims
    • Execute JS on every tab (global XSS)
    • Extract HTML, read/write cookies (also httpOnly), local Storage
    • Get and manipulate browser history
    • Stay persistent until whole browser is closed (or even further if you can persist in extensions’ local Storage)
    • Make screenshot of victims window
    • Further exploit e.g. via attaching BeEF hooks, keyloggers etc.
    • Explore filesystem through file:// protocol
    • Bypass Chrome extensions content script sandbox to interact directly with page JS
    This is not an extension but a framework. So, installation is not same as any other extension. Read the official link of XSS Chef given below and learn how to install it in Chrome.
    Add XSS chef to Google Chrome: https://github.com/koto/xsschef
  15. HPP Finder, is another nice extension. It is useful in finding HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) vulnerability and exploit it. This tool can easily detect and exploit the HTML Forms or URLs that might be susceptible of HTTP Parameter Pollution attacks. This tool can only find the vulnerability points but is not a solution against the vulnerability.

    Add HPP Finder in Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hpp-finder/nogojgcobcolombicplhimbbakkcmhio
  16. The Exploit Database, is not a penetration testing tool, but it keeps you updated with all latest exploits, shell code and white papers available on Exploit DB server. It’s an open source tool and source code can be found here: http://github.com/10n1z3d/EDBE

    Add The Exploit Database extension in chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/the-exploit-database/lkgjhdamnlnhppkolhfiocgnpciaiane
  17. GHDB, is a nice Google hack query search. This nice extension help you in searching for necessary Google hack querys for finding specific pages based on special Google search parameters. It allows you in understanding the basis of web security in a better way.
    Add GHDB in Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ghdb/jopoimgcafajndmonondpmlknbahbgdb
  18. iMacros for Chrome, while performing various web page testing processes, you may need to automate few repetitive tasks on the web. For this, you can use iMacros for Chrome extensions. So, next time when you need this kind of thing, Use the macro and then start it with a click button.

    Install iMacros for Chrome in Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imacros-for-chrome/cplklnmnlbnpmjogncfgfijoopmnlemp
  19. IP Address and Domain Information, is an information gathering extension that can help you in finding geolocation, DNS, whois, routing, search results, hosting, domain neighbors, DNSBL, BGP and ASN information of every IP address (IPv4 and IPv6).

    Add it to Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ip-address-and-domain-inf/lhgkegeccnckoiliokondpaaalbhafoa
How to Install Chrome Extension in the browser

Installation of extension is one click process if it is available in the official Chrome store. But it may be confusing if you have extension code only.

Install from Official Chrome store: To install the extension from official chrome store, just click on the link given below each extension and open the chrome store page of the extension. You will see a blue button saying, “Add to Chrome.”
Figure: Chrome Extension Installation Button

 After clicking this button, installation will begin and you will not need to do anything else. It will download a file and then add it to your Chrome. By default, it will activate the extension.
Install Extension manually with source file: Few extensions are not available on official chrome store because they do not meet the terms and conditions of store. So, these are available unofficially on their website. If you want to install those extensions, then download it from the official website. Now open the Chrome extension page and drag the source file and drop it on the extension page. Extension will install automatically after dropping on extensions page.

If you want to deactivate an extension from Chrome, go to settings and then Extensions page. Here you will see the installed extensions. In front of each extension, you will see a check box. To disable the extension, you only need to de-select the select box. To remove the extension permanently, click on the trash icon near the check box.
Figure: Chrome Extension enable/disable

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Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

can't install windows 7 from usb on samsung NP-NC108

can't install windows 7 from usb on samsung NP-NC108

Assalamualaikum :D
ketemu lagi dech, setelah sekian lama maju mundurnya dunia pengeblogkan :p akhirnya disaat y sekarat kuota ini saya masih mencoba sempat untuk menulis cacatan pribadi saya y menyedihkan ini :(
sesuai dengan judulnya pasti sudah tw :D (kalo belom buka translate google dulu wkwkwkwkwk)
kejadian ini bermula saat ingin menginstalasi os menggunakan usb pada lapi Samsung NP-NC108, boot melalui usb tidak bisa dilakukan dikarenakan tidak support boot usb #tapi masak iya gk support?
dengan kebingungan saya ini akhirnya saya tambah bingung :p tapi rupanya mastah google memberikan sedikit jawaban, kira2 begini alur nadanya :D
1. masuk ke setingan bios, disini saya menggunakan F2
2. kembalikan setingan bios ke setingan awal ato bahasa kerennya restore default setting.

3. liat pada bios tulisan fastboot bios, rubah setingannya menjadi disable. save dan restart
4. masukkan usb di port sebelah kiri, kemudian masuk ke boot option dengan menu F10

tada.. akhirnya setelah melalui cara diatas, lapi ini juga berhasil di install ^_^
akhir kata cuma ini y dapat saya curhat di blog cupu ini, mudah2an ada lagi curhatan2 lainnya y gk mutu y bisa saya tulis.
terima kasih atas kunjungannya :D

Daftar pustaka
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Senin, 23 September 2013

how to reset proxy on command line on ubuntu 12.04

how to reset proxy on command line on ubuntu 12.04

Ubuntu 12.10 will set proxy settings both in /etc/environment and /etc/apt/apt.conf when you set proxy from GUI (Network Settings).

Check your apt settings
grep -Hnri proxy /etc/apt/

will list out the current proxy settings used by apt in the following format.


If you see any output, it corresponds to apt's proxy settings. They will have to be cleared.

sudoedit <filename>
will allow you to edit the corresponding configuration file. Copy the existing contents somewhere in case you need to restore them, and delete or comment the lines that look like
Acquire::<protocol>::proxy=<your proxy here>
(Add // at the beginning of a line to comment that line. Commented lines are ignored.)

Save the files, close the text editor, and retry. If the problem persists,
Check global default environment.

grep proxy -i /etc/environment

Should list any proxy settings that are applied globally. If you need to clear them,

sudoedit /etc/environment

will fire up the text editor. Lines that start with # will be ignored, so add a # before those lines that mention your proxy settings. Save the file and retry.
Cleaning the user environment

It is possible that the systemwide configuration is clean but apt is picking up proxy settings from the user's environment. sudoin certain configurations by default, or when explicitly passed -E as an option, preserves the environment.

env | grep -i proxy

should list out any current environment proxy settings. unset <variable> can be used to unset or clear a variable. Unset all <protocol>_proxy variables. If they are automatically being set, you might comment out the corresponding entries from ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, ~/.pam_environment

(Those are the most common files that contain the entries. All of them can be searched at once using grep -Hni proxy ~/.profile ~/.bashrc ~/.pam_environment )

To Arin , thanks for making me crazy
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Selasa, 02 April 2013

install VMWARE on Kali-linux

install VMWARE on Kali-linux

saat selesai menginstall vmware pada kali linux muncul peringatan "c header files matching your running kernel were not found"

nah sekarang kita coba fixnya ya
1. pastikan kali linux telah ter-upgrade
root@r3b00t:~# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get install linux-headers
2. root@r3b00t:~# cp /lib/modules/3.7-trunk-686-pae/build/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /lib/modules/3.7-trunk-686-pae/build/include/linux/
cat : 3.7-trunk-686-pae >> merupakan versi kernel dari kali. kalo ane pake kali versi i368. kalo versi AMD entr keluarnya 3.7-trunk-amd64.
3. silahkan buka vmware workstation dan rasakan bedanya

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Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

watsup [sistem monitor pengganti top]

Nah pasti kalo mw liat sistem monitor pada liat pake perintah top ato htop kan, nah ini dia ada penggantinya . menurut situsnya >>

Monitor system resources and the top processes using those resources.

Show CPU load, temperature, and disk and network IO rates in a small window that can fit in a panel. Click to show a larger window with details of system resource loadings and the top processes using those resources. Resources monitored: CPU, memory, file cache, hard and soft page faults, disk IO, network IO. Shows topmost processes fitting within the window size. Optionally select only processes matching a given user, PID, or program name. Select and kill an errant process.

  • Overall system and top process resources are shown on one page.
  • CPU, memory, disk I/O, network I/O, and page faults are monitored.
  • The highest ranked processes fitting in the window are shown.
  • Minimal jumping around between samples (easy to follow a process).
  • Process rank is a weighted sum of recent CPU, hard page faults, and disk I/O.
  • Filter processes by user, PID, or program name.
  • Run as root via toolbar button (after password entry).
  • Click on a process to kill the process (after confirmation)
nah langsung aja ss-nya dari lapi ane ya . os backbox 3.01 base xubuntu 12.04

 kalo mw download dan langsung cobain, neh ane kasih linknya =)) watsup i686 watsup x64 atau y suka compile langsung dari source juga ada nech watsup-2.5.tar.gz. silahkan dech cobain ^_^
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Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Libre Office di Backtrack 5R3

jumpa lagi sama ane facebooker galau :D
nah kali ini ane mw ngeshare ppa y udah bikin ane puyeng . ane mw install LibreOffice di backtrack tapi gk nemu2 ppa y cucok, baru sekrang dech nemunya :D langsung aja ya. cekidot

ini dia ppa nya

add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/ppa

apt-get update && apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-gnome

kira2 ini penampakannya :D

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Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Kali Linux – A Teaser into the Future

Originally, BackTrack Linux was developed for our personal use but over the past several years, it has grown in popularity far greater than we ever imagined. We still develop BackTrack for ourselves because we use it every day. However, with growth and a huge user base, we have an obligation to ourselves, our users, and the open source community to create the best distribution we possibly can.

With this in mind, about a year ago a bunch of us at Offensive Security started thinking about the future of BackTrack and brainstormed about the features and functionality we’d like to see in the next and future revisions. One of our main topics of conversation was the option of swapping out our custom development environment for a fully fledged Debian-compliant packaging and repository system.

This seemed like a good idea at the time, but little did we know the world of hurt and pain we were getting ourselves into. This single decision concerning the future path of BackTrack brought  with it so much power and flexibility that it has changed the face of our distribution.

What’s happened in the past year? We have been quietly developing the necessary infrastructure and laying the foundation for our newest penetration testing distribution as well as building over 300 Debian compliant packages and swearing in 8 different languages. These changes brought with them an incredible amount of work, research and learning but are also leading us down the path to creating the best, and most flexible, penetration testing distribution we have ever built, dubbed “Kali”.


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Melacak IP pengguna Facebook

Melacak IP pengguna Facebook

sebelumnya ane berterimakasih buat bg RDK dari Street Cyber y telah mengizinkan ane membackup catatan ini :)
langsung aja ..

sebenarnya trik ini sudah lama ingin saya share tapi berhubung terlalu sensitiv dan berbahaya jadinya saya tunda2..tapi ntah kenapa malam ni kepala saya agak baleng so saya share aja hehehe...nah silakan baca dan gunakan baik2 yaaa...
melacak IP pengguna fb

terdapat pengaturan  untuk setiap account facebook untuk notifikasi lewat email. Sehingga, anda dapat mengatur agar ada pemberitahuan lewat email jika ada seseorang mengirimkan pesan ke “inbox” (kotak masuk) facebook. Anda bisa aktifkan “header” email (misalnya di Yahoo) agar bisa menampilkan informasi IP Address “seseorang” tadi. Mengingat informasi IP Address itu masih dalam bentuk encode “Base64? Anda tinggal mengubahnya agar menjadi format IP Address (angka). Setelah ketemu,, lihatlah waktu pengirimannya dan cari lokasi IP Address itu. Selanjutnya,, terserah Anda.

Singkatnya,, inilah tutorial yang bisa Anda jalankan:

    Buka account email Anda (misalnya Yahoo!) dan aktifkan pengaturan untuk menayangkan header email,, jadi kalau ada email masuk akan ditampilkan rute pengiriman email secara lengkap. Silakan baca manual penggunaan email.  
    Aktifkan notifikasi di facebook agar facebook mengirimkan pemberitahuan melalui email.
    Cari target yang Anda curigai,, orang yang Anda anggap menggunakan identitas palsu. Atau apa saja motifnya terserah Anda (sebab saya tidak berurusan dengan motif Anda).
    Kirimkan pesan kepada target yang Anda curigai tadi,, lakukan rekayasa agar dia memberikan jawaban melalui message!
    Setelah dia membalas pesan,, bukalah email Anda. Di situ ada pemberitahuan dari facebook.
    “<Facebook user> sent you a message on Facebook…”, or “<Facebook user> commented on a photo of you on Facebook…”
    X-Facebook: from xxxxyyzz ([OTcuODMuMjEuMjM=]) by www.facebook.com with HTTP (xxxxMail);
    Teks OTcuODMuMjEuMjM= merupakan encode Base64 yang harus Anda convert menjadi plain text (teks biasa). Inilah IP Address dari target yang Anda curigai!
    Convert teks “OTcuODMuMjEuMjM=” dengan converter Base64 (cari di Google!) atau gunakan service online (layanan online) yang bertebaran di internet. Catat IP Address yang menjadi target Anda!
    Gunakan pelacak IP Address yang bisa menginformasikan lokasi geografis dari sebuah ip Address.

Selanjutnya,, terserah Anda.
Catatan :
Jangan menghapus pesan dari “seseorang” yang ingin Anda “balas”. Facebook merancang Kotak Pesan sebagai “percakapan” (conversation). Itu merupakan arsip yang bisa diandalkan untuk meng-kasus seseorang. Jangan matikan notifikasi di account Facebook Anda jika ingin mendapatkan bukti otentik. Kalau Anda sudah memiliki catatan notifikasi dan email dari facebook,, dengan mudah Anda bisa menghajar siapapun yang ingin menteror Anda. Walaupun Anda menyembunyikan email dari informasi profile, memakai bukan-nama-sebenarnya, ataupun informasi palsu,, ingatlah: logika tetaplah logika!!!
Banyak yang merasa aman melakukan teror dari warnet, tetapi, warnet justru paling tidak aman. Banyak “saksi” di sana, aktivitas Anda bisa dimonitor (sebab Anda di ruang publik). Banyak juga yang merasa aman memakai internet pribadi,, lewat ponsel,, dll. ingatlah bahwa account Anda terdaftar ! Melacaknya hanya soal waktu.
Postscript :
Lengkapi facebook Anda dengan aplikasi chat logger (untuk mencatat hasil chatting) dan facebook archiver (untuk mengarsip seluruh content facebook Anda ke hardisk) dan jangan hapus pesan di Kotak Masuk maupun email dari facebook. Social networking kadang berubah menjadi social not-working, tetapi jangan pernah mengganggu orang di facebook. Bagi orang-orang yang pernah melakukan teror terhadap kawan-kawan saya di facebook,, ingatlah : mengungkap kejahatan kalian hanyalah soal waktu.
Semoga bermanfaat

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Senin, 04 Februari 2013

themes IBTeam google chroome

suntukkkk... boringgggg...
gk sengaja ubek2 google.. eh ane nemu themes IBT buat google chrome , gk tw dah siapa y punya. y jelas ane terimakasih banget buat y buat. langsung aja berikut ssnya 

themesnya bisa kawan2 download dimari : http://www.mediafire.com/?ksh0dcb1yycgg9v

sekali lagi terimakasih buat y udah ngedesign ini themes. lagi-lagi udah buat laptop ane tambah cakep :D
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Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Backtrack 5R3 on Lenovo E125

Cakep ya ne laptop :D. lebih cakep kalo install BT. Instalasi backtrack pada notebook ini bisa dibilang sama seperti laptop lain yang sebelumnya pernah ane install, hanya saja setelah instalasi ane harus instalasi touchpad dan VGA Ati. Ane pribadi coba buat catatan instalasi driver VGA dan Touchpad.
pertama kita coba fix vga

.: fix-vga

buka file  /etc/default/grub menggunakan editor kesayangan kita , disini ane pake nano.
kemudian cari baris
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text splash vga=791"
edit sehingga menjadi
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text splash nomodeset vga=791 radeon.modset=0"
simpan. kemudian ketik fix-splash di terminal lalu reboot .
sebelumnya kita harus sudah mempersiapkan driver Ati y bisa langsung kita download dari situsnya
disini ane pake y versi http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-linux-x86.x86_64.zip
kawan-kawan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan VGA masing-masing ya :D

oke setelah reboot kita akan masuk ke layar console. nah langsung saja install driver yang sudah kita download tadi dan telah kita extract
sebelumnya jangan lupa memberikan permision ya !!!
r3b00t@IBTeam|>>:~# chmod +x amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-linux-x86.x86_64.run
 kalau sudah baru install
r3b00t@IBTeam|>>:~# ./amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-linux-x86.x86_64.run

install sampai selesai kemudian reboot
kalau sudah pastinya begini hasilnya :D

nah kedua kita install touchpad :D
langsung saja ya
r3b00t@IBTeam|>>:~# apt-get install gpointing-device-settings
kalau sudah masuk ke system>>preferense>>pointing devices
pilih"TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint" >> "Use middle button emulation" >> "Use wheel emulation". dan pilih "2" untuk tombol tengahnya :)


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Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

error subterfuge backtrack 5R3

how to fix :
root@bt:~# apt-get remove subterfuge --purge && apt-get clean
root@bt:~# apt-get install subterfuge

now try to open subterfuge again :D

it's work for me :D
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